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Seneca College Certificate in Financial Crimes Prevention and Mitigation

I currently teach the Financial Crimes Prevention and Mitigation program at Seneca College.  Offered through the Canadian Institute for Financial Crime Analysis (CIFCA), this is a unique, online (hybrid), 16-week professional development program that provides you with specialized training needed for the rapidly growing compliance and financial crimes prevention profession. This program is suitable for those who already have a compliance or AML background and also those considering starting a career in the field.

All 16 classes are accessible via a live online platform.

**Due to COVID-19, the September 2020 cohort will be fully online**

As a registrant of this program, you can register for the Certified Financial Crime Specialist (CFCS) Certification Course offered by the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists (ACFCS) for $500 (USD). 

This includes registration for the certification exam, access to the online exam prep course and one additional year of ACFCS membership. Passing of the certification exam enables the student to be recognized as an ACFCS Fellow; the certification mandates the need to have experience in the field in order to be deemed fully certified.  For further information about the ACFCS membership click HERE

Key Learnings 

  • participants will gain detailed knowledge of different types of financial crimes, how they are committed and who the victims are

  • participants will learn about the future of financial crimes, and how to prevent and mitigate them

  • participants will attend a career workshop focusing on skills needed for a successful career path of a compliance/financial crime prevention professional

  • preparation for CFCS certification

Course Structure

1.     What is “Financial Crime”

2.     Corporate Crime

3.     Occupational Crime and Avocational Crime

4.     Victims of “Financial Crime”

5.     Financial Crimes – Money Laundering

6.     Financial Crimes – Fraud

7.     Financial Crimes – Common Schemes in Canada

8.     Technocrime

9.     Governmental Crime

10.  State-Corporate Crime

11.  Policing of “Financial Crime”

12.  Responding to the challenge

13.  Situational Crime Prevention

14.  The future of Financial Crime

15.  Career Workshop

16.  CFCS Preparation review 

There are also inputs from guest speakers in the areas of :

- Cannabis Compliance and Risk Management
- Money Laundering in the world of Art and Antiquities
- The role of Big Data in Financial Crime Investigations