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Diversity in Policing (PD203)

I am the Instructor for Diversity in Policing (PD203) at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Course Overview

This course introduces students to topics to contribute to a working environment that is equitable and free of discrimination, harassment and disruptive of systems of advantage. Students will recognize and welcome the strengths of diversity within the force. Topics include the difference between diversity and inclusion (and the benefits of each), hegemonic masculinity, privilege, intersectionality, and allyship.

Key Learnings

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to

  • Articulate how unconscious assumptions and deeply held cultural values can affect the behaviours of law enforcement officers when interacting with colleagues;

  • Recognize the effect of privilege, power imbalances, and oppression in interactions with diverse communities within the police force, and demonstrate how these effects manifest themselves in promotion and retention issues;

  • Recognize and describe diverse experiences in the workplace, including but not limited to those involving discrimination, differential access, and treatment;

  • Understand, predict, and describe how diverse communities respond to members of the police force and articulate why these responses arise; and

  • Develop and articulate approaches to address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion within the police force by becoming allies with diverse communities