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Ethics in Action

 I am the Lead Instructor of Ethics in Action at Dalhousie University.

Course Overview

Ethics are involved in every aspect of our personal, interpersonal and professional lives. This highly interactive course focuses on helping you become consciously aware and articulate about your personal ethics, your values, beliefs and morals, and how these relate to your working life, whether this is in a private business or public service context. 

On this course, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of ethics theory and to various ethical decision-making models. You will examine these models and become familiar with how to use these pragmatically in your field. You will consider the relationship between ethics and professionalism as well as developing an understanding of the importance of ethics in various disciplines. 

You will explore various ethical dilemmas and be challenged to explore ethical considerations that exist in your own work. Moreover, you will consider the relevance and application of Codes of Conduct, Codes of Ethics, Oaths and the role of Governance within organizations. 

Each unit, under the course, provides a particular focus and progression that will assist in understanding the application of ethics to your personal and professional life. 

Course Key Learning Outcomes 

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to: 

  1. • Define fundamental moral and ethical theory 

  2. • Apply ethical decision-making to both their personal lives and professional practice 

  3. • Discuss ethical decision-making in applied, real-world contexts 

  4. • Describe the relationship between ethics and professionalism 

  5. • Identify organizational integrity